NexxGen & Beyond Inc

Our mission is to empower people to foster collaborative thinking. They believe that a company should act as a community and use tools to communicate quickly and efficiently.


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Designer Bags
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Designer Bags

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Tax Preparer

T-Shirt Special



Tax Preparer





25 Reviews

Eloise Stubbs

27 August 2023

27 August


Great shop

Maurice Hill Jr

26 July 2023

26 July


great business


Of Creating N.G.& B
Prolific Home Care LLC

In 2021 April 13. This was a blessed day. In the middle of the pamdemic. A LLC was born. All the talking was over . Me & My Soon to be wife have a company.

on Feb 1 2024 NexxGen & Beyond LLC amended into Prolific Home Care LLC

Jun 1, 2023
Nexx Gen & Beyond Inc

The Story of Maria and Jamal**

Maria, a retiree in her late 70s, found herself feeling isolated during the peak of the pandemic. With limited access to basic household products and struggling to adapt to the sudden shift to online services, she felt overwhelmed and disconnected from the world around her.

Enter Nexx Gen & Beyond Inc., a beacon of hope during challenging times. Through their dedicated efforts to support the elderly, Maria was introduced to a community of caring individuals eager to help her navigate the digital world. Equipped with patience and expertise, the team at Nexx Gen & Beyond took Maria under their wing, teaching her how to use a smartphone, shop online for essential items, and connect with loved ones through video calls.

As weeks turned into months, Maria's confidence grew, and her once daunting technological hurdles transformed into opportunities for learning and connection. She began participating in virtual workshops and webinars hosted by Nexx Gen & Beyond, expanding her knowledge and engaging with a newfound sense of curiosity.

Meanwhile, across town, Jamal, a teenager from a low-income household, was grappling with limited access to educational resources and technology. Feeling marginalized and unsure of his future, Jamal found solace in Nexx Gen & Beyond's platform for empowering youth through technology education.

Through their programs tailored for young learners, Jamal discovered a passion for coding and entrepreneurship. With the guidance of mentors and the support of his peers, he embarked on a journey of self-discovery and skill development, honing his abilities and nurturing his dreams of starting his own tech-focused business.

Months later, Maria and Jamal's paths crossed during a community event organized by Nexx Gen & Beyond. What started as a chance encounter blossomed into a mentorship dynamic, with Maria sharing her wisdom and life experiences with Jamal, while Jamal introduced Maria to the latest tech trends and innovations.

Their bond transcended generational boundaries, illustrating the transformative power of education, community, and shared experiences. Together, Maria and Jamal became a testament to the impact of Nexx Gen & Beyond's mission—to bridge the gap between generations, empower individuals through technology, and foster a culture of lifelong learning and growth.

As Maria and Jamal stood side by side, exchanging stories and laughter, they embodied the spirit of empowerment and resilience that defines Nexx Gen & Beyond Inc.'s commitment to building a brighter future for all.


This success story highlights the transformative impact of your organization's work in empowering individuals across generations and socio-economic backgrounds. It showcases the power of education, community support, and shared experiences in fostering connections and driving positive change.
Jun 1, 2023

Microsoft 365 and Office 365 Donate Business premium Service Month

Jul 10, 2023
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